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The B-25J "Miss Mitchell" served in the 310th Bomb Group, 57th Bomb Wing of the 12th Air Force in North Africa and Italy completing over 130 missions. Its legacy of no crew fatalities during all its missions was a rare accomplishment. Prior to taking command of the 8th Air Force in Europe in 1944, the 12th Air Force was under the command of then Brigadier General Jimmy Doolittle."Miss Mitchell" is an immaculate example of what a dedicated group of volunteers can accomplish.


Donated to the Minnesota Wing in the 1980's, volunteers immediately began a complete ground-up restoration of this versatile medium bomber.After a 12 year restoration by the Minnesota Wing of the Commemorative Air Force, Miss Mitchell took her first flight on April 18, 1992 ~ exactly 50 years to the day of the daring Doolittle raid.


Honoring Miss Mitchell's historic missions over Italy, Miss Mitchell Coffee is an Italian Roast Style blend of Sumatran & Honduran beans with a bold yet smooth taste, with low acidity.


In partnership with the CAF MN Wing, a portion of the proceeds from every bag of Miss Mitchell Coffee purchased will go directly to supporting this historic aircraft.

B-25 Miss Mitchell Coffee 16 oz

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